話說我會要求學生在每一課單字教完之後,選課本的5個單字造句。當第一次收回作業時,發現很多人都是抄自修或電子辭典,而且還讓我發現一件有趣的事,有兩位學生寫的是:I will stay with you. 可是裡面明明就沒用到課本單字,原本覺得很納悶,之後從另一個同學的例句中,才知道原句是用到單字是fear:Don’t fear, I will stay with you.沒想到兩個寶貝學生連第一句兩個字都懶得抄(而且第一句才是重點ㄋ)。也有一個學生造出很饒舌很高級的句子(裡面還有我不會的單字耶),結果不小心讓我查到他都是從電子字典找的例句…而且還跟我用的是同一台,因為句子一模一樣…讓我發現算他倒楣囉。




Hope is nowhere to be found when you are unhappy. (超)

People always misunderstand one another when they jump to a conclusion before seeing all the things.(蓁)

Many people desire to buy everything they want because they don’t know what is satisfaction.(傑)

World peace doesn’t really exist on the earth.(懷)

There is no absolute beauty. Everyone has different appreciations.(含)

You can think of me anytime, anywhere. (超)

You can lean you head on my shoulder. (超)

I gave my girlfriend a gentle hug when she was crying. (超)

After that car accident, the pianist could recall nothing but the melodies of the songs that he had ever played.(願)

English is my favorite subject. It can open up a new world for me.(筑)
His genius was not appreciated by people at that time.(瑋)

Although your performance skill is in a bad condition, you should complete the performance anyway.(傑)

Don’t hesitate to squat on heels when you a hear gunshot sound in America.(傑)

A: You’re so annoying. Can’t you just stop bothering me?
B: Who bird you. / B: Sorry about that. (昱)

I desire to sleep in every class.(沛)

I have a strong desire for getting great grades without studying hard. (含)
~Me too…

I have a confusion with Confucius why he had so many words to say and that I have to memorize his word after he died 400 years ago. (楷)
~ confusion跟 Confucius本身就長得像,所以一起出現覺得很妙^^,而且他道出了每個人的心聲XD

Anyway, your rough skin scarped my face, you should say “sorry.” (昱)
~哈 好粗糙的皮膚喔

With the misunderstanding, they got married. (超)

It’s a daily routine for me to sleep in the English class. (楷)

Jessica involuntarily ate the leftover. (楷)

His behavior shows that he is a joke.(沛)

Henry tried to impress Amy with his “charming” behavior; however, he failed…(昱)

A: You can date me anytime, I will wait for you forever.
B: Never think about that! (昱)

My English teacher is so gentle.
=>I feel guilty about this sentence. (昱)
~哈 算你厲害可以同時用到2個課本單字,but you don’t have to feel guilty about that, because it’s the truth….:P
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